All authorizations were not finalized by the CA.

When I try to request a certificate from PROD or STAGING, it fails with this error:
All authorizations were not finalized by the CA.

When I use Let's Encrypt, it works with no issues.


One of the authz (the latest one):

2021-01-06 11:14:41,476:DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:https://api.test4.buypass.no:443 "POST /acme-v02/authz/-xrafEgqfrVTC5HNFtZfSJaozYcDhiBHN0XIqB5lJlk HTTP/1.1" 200 None

I use DNS-validation towards Domeneshop and certbot 1.11.0 in docker.

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  • Hello Tor Christian


    There was single attempt to validate DNS challenge on that authorization.

    After querying the TXT records on validation domain name no records were found.

    Authorization was left in pending state, and therefore there was a message by client “All authorizations were not finalized by the CA.”

    This might be due to DNS slow propagation issue.




    • Andriy Mahats OK, so it's slower for Buypass to get the answer from DNS than for Let's Encrypt?
      Is there something we can do about that? Increase the 120 sec. timeout or something?

  • It seems to work fine now actually.

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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