Verify fault on issuing of crt
We are seeing issues like this when trying to issue certificates, it is not for all domains just some sub-domains.
Can you please verify your backend?
[Thu Sep 9 13:03:51 UTC 2021] Using CA: https://api.buypass.com/acme/directory
[Thu Sep 9 13:03:52 UTC 2021] Single domain=''
[Thu Sep 9 13:03:52 UTC 2021] Getting domain auth token for each domain
[Thu Sep 9 13:03:53 UTC 2021] Getting webroot for domain=''
[Thu Sep 9 13:03:53 UTC 2021] Error, can not get domain uri. "type":"dns-01","token":"69A0EE8AD0CD86D2D9CD40E61032CA0B160E8906","status":"processing","validated":"2021-09-06T11:11:07Z","error":{"type":"compound","detail":"Errors during validation","subproblems":[{"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:incorrectResponse","detail":"Response received didn't match the challenge's requirements","code":0