How to renew a Buypass Go SSL Certificate?

Hi there,
I have a free certificate from BuyPass (Buypass AS-983163327) installed in my website that will be expired next week, so I'm trying to find how can I renew it.

The website is hosted at GoDaddy and I've read all the issues regarding this host provider. But somehow my previous developer managed to install the certificate there. But now I don't know how to renew it.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance!

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    • maov
    • maov
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I can't help with GoDaddy specifically, but as a general fix. See this guide for HTTP-01 and DNS-01 challenge method which utilise the certbot client, https://community.buypass.com/t/36jtyc/certbot-basic-usage

    If you have access to a terminal on the GoDaddys server instance, you may use whatever client previously used to renew the certificate directly on the server.

    If the webapp is deployed with the certificate, you'll need to get a new key and cert, then either update the key and cert on the server or redeploy the application with the new key and cert.  With the DNS-01 challenge you can request a certificate outside the server and manually update the cert and/or key on the hosted server/webapplication.

  • Hi  maov ,

    Thanks a lot for the reply and the information. I finally figured that the former developer used a free client from TrustAsia on freessl.cn to generate the free Buypass certificate for me. And this is no longer available...so my only option was to use another certificate valid only for 90-days.

    Unfortunately, GoDaddy shared hosting does not allow us to use the Terminal....or at least make it hard for us to use it. 

    Thinking on moving to a better host soon.


    Like 1
      • maov
      • maov
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Manoel Vilhena Saldanha Glad to hear you found a solution.

      As stated previously, the DNS-01 challenge will allow you to obtain a certificate outside of the application server.  Given you have the rights to alter domain records for your applications domain name.

      Using a client, eg. certbot, acme.sh or Certify The Web (Windows), will allow you to request a certificate using the DNS-01 challenge method.

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