List of ips to allow on firewall

Can anyone provide list of ips/network segment which is used by Buypass to authenticate http-01 challenge ?

I think it would be great help as this can be white-listed on firewall/router level.

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    • maov
    • maov
    • 5 yrs ago
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    The following segments are what our outbound communication will originate from.


    IPv6: 2a03:520::/29

    Like 2
    • Magnus ProK


      What are the current IPs to whitelist? Are they still the same? This seems to indicate that they have changed

      • maov
      • maov
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Elie Obeid The segments listed are correct.

    • Magnus thank you

    • Magnus I'm still getting the same problem, which ports need to be open? 80? 443? or other ports?

      • maov
      • maov
      • 4 yrs ago
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       Elie Obeid 

      For future uses and changes to the ACME standards, I would recommend both TCP80 and TCP443.  HTTP-01 should use TCP80 unless there is redirects causing issues as we do not follow redirects.

      Have you verified your setup and network scheme?  Try setting up a separate instance and test with an open FW, then continue to  enable FW rules.

      Is it the FW causing issues or is there an error with the request, please check the error message received from the server and your client log data?  Send the error message received if possible.

    • Hi


      FYI: we added support for following of redirects during the http challenge validation.

      It is now available in production and test environments.




  • Status Answered
  • 4 yrs agoLast active
  • 7Replies closed
  • 790Views
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