WinCertes: Windows ACMEv2 Client
Just wanted to mention the ACMEv2 client that we developed at Evertrust: https://github.com/aloopkin/WinCertes . It's OpenSource, based on the Certes ACMEv2 library, and compliant with draft 18 of the RFC.
It's ready to be used with any ACMEv2 compliant directory, it's able to integrate fully with IIS (including certificate binding), or to work stand-alone. Powershell scripts allow to extend it to work e.g. with nginx or Tomcat.
Hi Alexandre, I'm the developer of https://github.com/webprofusion/certify (Windows GUI) and occasional contributor to Certes. I've got the https://api.test4.buypass.no/acme-v02/directory endpoint working with Certify (to the point of fetching a cert from buypass), there's a few small things to sort out in Certes if you are using the pfx builder at all (cert chain doesn't build) but it's nearly there.
Buypass released ACME v2 around October 2019.
See https://community.buypass.com/t/63d4ay/buypass-go-ssl-endpoints for more information