New windows client using ACME v2 endpoint


Our app https://certifytheweb.com will shortly be releasing a new version which supports Buypass ACME v2. I wondered if you (buypass) need to be notified? We have quite a few users (hundreds of thousands of users, servicing a couple of million domains) so it's possible you will see some increase in the number of users of your ACME v2 endpoint. Our default will still be Let's Encrypt for now.

We're planning on letting users decide a CA preference between Let's Encrypt and Buypass and also offering dynamic failocer between CAs (so if one fails to renew they can optionally use another CA).

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    • 4 yrs ago
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    This is great, and thank you for the notice.  Given that we are the secondary option I don't think we'll need any further notification than the heads up already given.

    However, please notify us again if we in the future should become the default option.

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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