ACME V2 - staging vs production behaviour is different.

Currently the ACME V2 API will issue a certificate for multiple domain names/subdomain in Staging mode, but the live API will only issue a single domain + www. This behavior is confusing and for users who evaluate using the staging environment this behavior may lead them to think BuyPass GO will meet their requirements when it doesn't. It also makes it more difficult for clients to validate whether a request will be compatible or not before submission.

Can the staging API behavior please be modified to match the production behavior? Or can the production behavior be expanded, perhaps if the users become paying customers for extended functionality? I think many businesses would pay a small fee to have 180 day certificates with fewer domain restrictions.

As an aside, staging API performance seems to be extremely slow currently. Can this be investigated?

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  • Hi webprofusion


    We plan to adjust the test and production environments to have equal features with respect to multi-domain and will update the info on community once this is in place.

    We understand that the performance in test environment might be an issue, however we are not currently able to say anything about when this might be improved.




    • Andriy Mahats Thanks, much appreciated!

      Like 1
    • Andriy Mahats Is there a release date plan?I try to use acme.sh successfully obtained the wildcard certificate, It's awesome. But the browser does not trust the Buypass Class 2 Test4 Root CA, I hope it will be released soon to replace Let's Encrypt.

      • maov
      • maov
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      fadedmaple Our upcoming release will not feature wildcard certificates for production environment.

      While we recognize that wildcard certificates serve an important purpose, we are more concerned about their possible utilization in phishing attacks.

      As a CA taking responsibility for protecting end users on the internet, we have decided not to support wildcard certificates as free and automatically available SSL Go certificates for the time being.

  • Status Answered
  • 4 yrs agoLast active
  • 4Replies closed
  • 464Views
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