TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
I'm using certbot 0.28 to request a certificate for dawson-floridavilla.co.uk but I receive the error above, it seems to fail at the point the Cloudflare DNS challenges are configured.
I've used the same command line (while changing the site address) to create and install other certificates from Buypass but this one fails every time.
I can post more log information if it's helpful.
Hi Adrian Rose
We found that there were several requests to authorize the requested domain, most of them were rejected due to CAA. The response should have contained the details for the error too.
Please note that if the CAA records were configured it might take time to propagate them. Please let us know if you are still experiencing this issue.
Hi Andriy Mahats ,
I had put an attempt through without modifying the CAA records which I realised and modified accordingly, I added "buypass.no" as CAA records for both issue and issuewild but I'm still getting a similar error several days later.
I use Cloudflare for my DNS management who are usually exceedingly quick to update and propagate (their TTL is just 5 mins) and I managed to issues certificates for other domains within a few minutes of changing the DNS entries.
Is it possible that because I requested a certificate before the change that the DNS entries have been cached somewhere?
Many Thanks,