Support for verifying challenges over IPv6

I tried to grab a certificate for a IPv6-only service but it did not work until I added a IPv4 proxy in front of it to answer the http-01 challenge.

Is IPv6 going to be supported for ACME?

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  • Hi Andre Tomt 


    Could you provide us with more details, like “MDC-correlationId” response header value, which is sent as a response header from our server and also the date/time for the failed challenge validation request.




  • POST https://api.test4.buypass.no/acme-v02/authz/AueYktO1GeNzvUCeYkA5Agj9zfZrIZMonrXmhqXtQbQ/1
    < date: Wed, 29 Jul 2020 17:09:55 GMT
    < mdc-correlationid: 7da49cb1-cdcf-4d69-a279-3d4756125dba

    from subproblems response:

    {"type":"urn:ietf:params:acme:error:connection","detail":"The server could not connect to validation target","code":0}

    Production API endpint is returning the same error; see mdc-correlationid: abe20e6e-6ea8-4899-b8c5-f3df8426f8cf with date: Wed, 29 Jul 2020 17:14:41 GMT

    Attempting to authorize buypasstest3.acmedev.tomt.net

    Like 1
    • Hi Andre Tomt 


      Sorry for the late reply.
      We do not support verifying challenges over IPv6 at the moment.
      We plan to add support for this during next year.



  • Status Answered
  • 4 yrs agoLast active
  • 3Replies closed
  • 210Views
  • 2 Following

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