'Buypass Class 2 Test4 Root CA' certificate available somewhere?
Can I download the 'Buypass Class 2 Test4 Root CA' certificate from somewhere? My ACME client insists on checking the certificate chain up to the root, so I want to feed it one to make it happy. Aside from that the ACMEv2 negotiation worked on the first try.
Speaking of root certificates, is it true that 'Buypass Class 2 Root CA' has been in OS root stores since 2012 or so? That would give you a nice advantage to Let's Encrypt when they switch to their still short-lived root.
The Buypass Class 2 Test4 Root CA certificate is available at http://crt.test4.buypass.no/crt/BPClass2T4RotCA.cer .
The Buypass Class 2 Root CA has been in root stores since November 2011 (Microsoft).