Standard errors
While working with Buypass ACME service the following standard errors may appear.
This list is not exhaustive. The server MAY return errors whose “type” field is set to a URI other than those defined above.
Type | Description |
badCSR |
The CSR is unacceptable (e.g., due to a short key) |
badNonce | The client sent an unacceptable anti-replay nonce |
badSignatureAlgorithm | The JWS was signed with an algorithm the server does not support |
invalidContact | A contact URL for an account was invalid |
unsupportedContact | A contact URL for an account used an unsupported protocol scheme |
malformed | The request message was malformed |
rateLimited | The request exceeds a rate limit |
rejectedIdentifier | The server will not issue for the identifier |
serverInternal | The server experienced an internal error |
unauthorized | The client lacks sufficient authorization |
unsupportedIdentifier | Identifier is not supported, but may be in future |
userActionRequired | Visit the “instance” URL and take actions specified there |
badRevocationReason | The revocation reason provided is not allowed by the server |
caa | Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) records forbid the CA from issuing |
dns | There was a problem with a DNS query |
connection | The server could not connect to validation target |
tls | The server received a TLS error during validation |
incorrectResponse | Response received didn’t match the challenge’s requirements |